My ulcers already disappeared, but my nose is still the same... i can't breathe properly ... sometimes i've to breathe through mouth .. it's really uncomfortable... but i think that i've to be thankful since i can eat i can sleep early ... if i'm healthy, most of times would be in front of pc. Now i got to sleep by 10pm.
We went to my aunt's open house on Sunday ... there's a lot of foods ... but the most atttracting dish was Masak Lemak Cili Padi Ikan Tenggiri. it was super duper delicious. i ate three times ... hahahah .. even though my ulcers was not fully cured that time, but i managed to eat that day. I am really thankful. Alhamdulillah.
Not really well again .. it's been two days since i've got a terrible headache. It's really burdensome. My son is getting better. but my daughter seems to have flu lately.
Yesterday i got a call from her teacher, it's 1pm at that time. i still remember the way she talked. it's almost killing me. The way she started her conversation really make my heart pounded.
Teacher : Puan, tadi masa hantar azrah balik, sebelum dia naik lif
.. and she stopped there.. that's when my heart pounded and then she continued
kawan dia lontar kasut kena hidung dia. boleh tolong check tak dengan maid Puan wether she's okay or not.
Me : Ooo i c. ok .. i'll check on her. thanks
The reason why i trembled was i knew very well the elevator location, how other drivers recklessly drove near the lift and how the kids just ran out from the elevator and the car. And the prime reason was how the teacher started the conversation. The only thing that i want and never forget to pray everyday is my kids safety. It's all i want. It's ok if my daughter got no 3 in her class. It's ok if she couldn't finish her homework. It's also ok if she didn't want to attend school. Just let them be safe and healthy.
Even Harris looks thinner nowadays due to flu, cough and fever. I pity my kids since i'm also not in a good condition, i spent less time with them lately. Fortunately my husband is still off shift until tomorrow.
i want to try uploading apicture here .. but i don't know how... which button should i press? let's try this .. maybe the photo will not relate to ths entry.. just a trial..