Monday, January 12, 2009

8th Anniversarry

This coming 15th February is going to be our 8th wedding anniversary. Why this entry has been created earlier .. because i like this song very much :

Fauziah Latif - Dari Kaki Tangga ke Menara

Peruntukan secebis demi masa nan terlupa
Mengimbasi kembali suka duka masa nan silam
ditempuhi bersama setiap cabaran yang datang
Pengalaman yang pahit dan manis tak terlupakan

Dari bawah setangga ke setangga kita mendaki
kita jatuh terluka dan bangkit melangkah kembali
dengan rasa percaya pada keupayaan diri
tiada yang mustahil dihadapi

Demikian kebalnya ikatan kita
demikian eratnya jalinan rasa
Keyakinan diiringi doa
Begitu percintaan kita sebati dengan cita-cita
Merancang kehidupan hari muka

c/o :
Aku gembira menyaksikan
Kau beroleh kejayaan
dulu di kaki tangga
kini di menara

Jangan kau lupa masa silammu
dan mereka yang membantu
moga tak kau abaikan amanah dan kewajipan

We've been through so much for the past eight years. We started from zero, fresh graduate got married at the age of 22 and 23. We got Azrah when i was 23 and Wan was 24. We learnt alot. Wan did a lot, he's not an egoist husband when it's come to the kids matters. He did everything what a mother will do. From the day they were born, he was the first person to hold them, not me. He look after them when they got sick, when i had no more annual leave to apply.

We used to live at a three bedrooms apartment with only one bathroom. Our master bedroom that time was almost the same size with our fifth room today. Even today's apartment was not as big as others would have, but it's our own. We bought it. We bought it! We used to buy second hand car which brokedown every weak. But now we own brand new car one each. I don't care what our cars' brands are, the most importantly, we managed to buy them. We've travel alot since our first year of marriage, Azrah had been to every Peninsular Malaysia states. But, during Harris time, he went to Korea and HK before even finish his tour in his own country.

It's really touch me, we've been through 8 years together, 7 years with Azrah and three and half years with Harris. We have endured the pain and the penniless time. It still came to my mind the time when we have to collect our coins to eat, We've been through it.

What i will never forget, we won't sacrifies anything when it comes to food. We ate what we wanted. How fortunate Azrah and Harris, at their age, they got most of everything the kids nowadays want.

Even though, we're quite comfortable these days, if i'm going to be asked, when was my unforgetabble moment, i would choose the years when we lived at only a small apartment but i could look after Azrah on my own. I really wish i could do the same with Harris, But he's already three and is going to be four this August.

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